Part of LBBW
Annual Report 2019
31 March 2020
next dimension Berlin Hyp
Opening a New Chapter Together
Digitisation, a stronger commitment to sustainability and new living and working environments. These three major trend lines of societal transformation will have a decisive influence on the development of the real estate and financial sectors in the decade that has just begun.
What the real estate and financing markets will look like in ten years’ time can hardly be reliably predicted in detail. Change is taking place too quickly and too dynamically for that. But one thing is quite clear: those companies that succeed in quickly finding the most convincing solutions to the associated challenges will be successful in the new decade.
Sascha Klaus about the business year 2019
- The Enviroment
- next dimension berlinhyp
- A Good Year for Berlin Hyp
- Foresight
Will the business model of a real estate bank remain valid in 2020 and beyond?
Since real estate will retain its key function for the economy and society and remain important as a capital investment, the answer is definitely yes!
Will Berlin Hyp and its business model look different in ten years from now?
The answer here is also a resounding yes. This will be safeguarded solely by the change associated with the trends described. But there will be other challenges as well: in all probability, interest rates will remain low in the coming years and the mandatory regulation defines high requirements for reporting, risk management and equity.
So a response is needed.
The good news is, we at Berlin Hyp are ready to react, and we have already initiated many of the necessary changes. For us, it will be a matter of building upon this basis and taking the Bank and its business into the next dimension.
Our objective:
We want to become the most modern real estate financier in Germany.
In order to achieve this, three issues are in focus:
We invest in innovative digital solutions for real estate investments and their financing and digitalise our complete value chain.
We strictly focus on sustainable products and take sustainability aspects into account in all our activities to an even greater extent than before.
We are developing a sustainable corporate culture and are pushing ahead with our development into a flexible and agile bank.
living the future, setting trends, creating together.
This is what distinguishes Berlin Hyp today and it should remain so in the new decade.
Annual report 2019
When we developed the content and concept of this annual report, the corona virus was still a phenomenon far removed from us – both geographically and in the figurative sense. That has changed. Read here about our thoughts on the current situation.
The “Key Figures at a Glance” section presents the most important key figures for 2019 with respect to “Profit and Loss Account”, “Business Development”, “Regulatory Law Key Figures”, “Issue Ratings” and “Sustainability Ratings” of Berlin Hyp – comparing in each case with the key figures of 2018.
The “Bodies of the Bank and Other Important Functions” section gives an overview of the composition of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board Committees of Berlin Hyp for the full year 2019. In addition, the Cover Pool Monitor and the Deputy Cover Pool Monitors shall be named.
The “The Supervisory Board Report” section provides information about the activities of the Supervisory Board and its Committees, the Supervisory Board meetings and the participation of the Supervisory Board members, as well as about personnel matters in the Board of Management and Supervisory Board in 2019. The topics “Corporate Governance Report”, “Annual Financial Statements” and “Sustainability Report” are particularly highlighted here.
The “Corporate Governance Report” section describes the activities of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board of Berlin Hyp in accordance with the requirements of the current version of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC). The focus here is on particular topics such as “Close Cooperation between the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board”, “Increasing the Efficiency of the Committees” and “Transparency”. The chapter concludes with Berlin Hyp’s updated 2019 “Joint compliance declaration by the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board”.
The “Management Report” section provides a detailed presentation of Berlin Hyp’s business performance, results of operations and position in 2019. This includes information on the principals of the Bank (business model, objectives and strategies, management system) and statements on possible further developments in the form of an “Opportunities, Forecast and Risk Report”.
The “Annual Financial Statements” section presents all of Berlin Hyp’s key figures for the 2019 financial year – including the annual balance sheet and a profit and loss account. The annual financial statements thus give a reliable picture of Berlin Hyp’s financial situation and success in 2019.
In the “Service” section, a list of the most important abbreviations can be found, to make reading Berlin Hyp’s Annual Report 2019 easier. In addition, there is a directory of Berlin Hyp addresses as well as contact persons at the Bank.
Living the Future
Creating impetus
Shaping the Future
Milestones 2018 –
The Year at a Glance
2019 – A strong year
our highlights
Reference Projects –
Inspiration for Europe
Your contact partner